Post Fracture Stiffness

Post Fracture Stiffness

Post fracture stiffness creates much trouble for the individual as it becomes difficult to make movements. In order to cure this problem, we provide excellent treatment for post fracture stiffness with the help of various equipments and exercises helping patients to get back to their routine.

Our imparted Post Fracture Stiffness treatment including Treatment For A Broken Ankle, Treatment For A Broken Wrist, and Treatment For A Broken Wrist have been praised by the patients for effectiveness and maximum results. We ensure all the exercises and processes for Post Fracture Stiffness Treatment are carried out with extreme care and precision.

Post Fracture Stiffness, also known as post-traumatic stiffness, is a condition that occurs when a joint becomes difficult to move after a fracture has healed. This stiffness can affect any joint in the body, including the fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, or ankle. It is a common complication following a bone fracture and can significantly impact a person's quality of life.

The main symptom of post-fracture stiffness is difficulty moving the affected joint. This stiffness can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by pain, swelling, and a decrease in the range of motion. In some cases, the joint may feel "locked" or unable to move at all.

Post-fracture stiffness is caused by the formation of scar tissue around the joint during the healing process. This scar tissue can restrict the movement of the joint and cause stiffness. Other factors that can contribute to post-fracture stiffness include the severity and location of the fracture, the type of treatment used to repair the fracture, and the amount of time the joint was immobilized during the healing process.

The treatment of post-fracture stiffness aims to improve the range of motion and reduce pain in the affected joint. Treatment options may include:
1. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is often the first line of treatment for post-fracture stiffness. A physical therapist will work with the patient to perform specific exercises and stretches to improve the range of motion and strength in the affected joint.
2. Manual Therapy: Manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilizations and soft tissue massage, may be used to help loosen the joint and improve its mobility.
3. Splinting or Bracing: Splinting or bracing the affected joint may help to keep it in a functional position and prevent further stiffness.
4. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be prescribed to help reduce pain and inflammation in the affected joint.
5. Surgery: In severe cases of post-fracture stiffness, surgery may be necessary to remove scar tissue or repair the joint.