Causes of Tendinitis
- Complete and partial rupture of rotator cuff
- Supra spinatus tendinitis
- Calcific deposits
- Sub acromial bursitis
- Peri arthritis
- Bicipital tenosynovitis
- Fracture of greater trochanter.
Pain, swelling, limitation of should movements, muscle atrophy (Supra + Infra spinatus), tenderness over greater tuberosity etc.
- Grade 1 – is common in young adults and athletes age group of 18 to 30 years. Due to over stress, repeated over head activities, impingement. Pain occurs in impingement syndrome between 40-1200 of should abduction as in this position supraspinatus. Tendon impinged against under surface of acromion and head of humerus. Movements are painful (Painful arc syndrome).
- Grade 2 – Seen in age group 40-45 years due to supraspinatus tendinitis or sub-acromial bursitis. Cause could be over use, degeneration and osteophyte formation.
- Grade 3 – Seen in age group > 45 years of age group due to occupational over use, fall, sudden increase in activities, atrophic degenerative changes in the cuff.
- Thermotherapy. Ultra sound, SWD and Tens for reducing pain and spasm.
- Passive mobilization. Relaxed full ROM.
- Gradually resisted exercises help to strengthen the abductors.